Aroma: Crisp and herbal with spicy undertones. Finish: A fresh wave of heat followed by a balanced spice. Palate: Robust with fresh agave, hints of pepper and herbal notes.
Aroma: Oak and wood with hints of vanilla, spices and dry fruit. Finish: Oak and vanilla with hints of caramel and a touch of cinnamon. Palate: A spicy lead with a blend of vanilla, dry fruit and spices.
Aroma: Oak and wood with hints of vanilla, spices and dry fruit. Finish: Oak and vanilla with hints of caramel and a touch of cinnamon. Palate: A spicy lead with a blend of vanilla, dry fruit and spices.
Aroma: Crisp and herbal with spicy undertones. Finish: A fresh wave of heat followed by a balanced spice. Palate: Robust with fresh agave, hints of pepper and herbal notes.
Aroma: Oak and wood with hints of vanilla, spices and dry fruit. Finish: Oak and vanilla with hints of caramel and a touch of cinnamon. Palate: A spicy lead with a blend of vanilla, dry fruit and spices.
Aroma: Crisp and herbal with spicy undertones. Finish: A fresh wave of heat followed by a balanced spice. Palate: Robust with fresh agave, hints of pepper and herbal notes.
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